INVICTA electrical 电动振动器
INVICTA hydraulic液压振动器
INVICTA pneumatic气动振动器
坎布里亚汽车PLC是英增长快的经销商群体之一。 它近收购了包括鸽子汽车集团的脑会议,德什,因维克塔和农庄。添加阿斯顿马丁,沃尔沃和福特既定的捷豹,座椅,菲亚特和雪铁龙专营权给了巨大的购买力,使坎布里亚能够提供网上汽车的价格和全面的经销商设施的结合。
INVICTA electrical 电动振动器
A full range of rotary electric vibrators is available for use up to 690volts, 50 or 60 Hertz supply. These can be either base 'B' or single flange 'SF' mounted.
INVICTA hydraulic液压振动器
A limited range of vibrators is now available which are powered by hydraulic motors. This design of product is ideal for use on machinery where a hydraulic feed is readily available.
INVICTA pneumatic气动振动器
A selection of pneumatic hammers is available which are able to drive small feeders or promote material flow through chutes, hoppers and silo's
The Invicta range of vibrators includes both rotary and reciprocating designs, which are used in the transport and movement of all types of bulk materials
Rotary designs of vibrator are powered either electrically or hydraulically and can run at various speeds to produce centrifugal forces as great as 18500 kg. We offer a number of different ranges of rotary electrical vibrators for use in various applications and environments.
We also have a limited selection of rotary hydraulic vibrators which are generally used on plant. Our linear range of vibrators is pneumatically powered by and this type of vibrator is used mainly in chutes, hoppers and silos to promote material flow.